About PFS Cloud

In June 2021 we launched our new web portal system, PFS Cloud. This portal has been designed to provide our customers access to their data quickly and easily and has been designed to be very user friendly.

What are the main features of PFS Cloud?

  • Dashboard – the entry point to the system now displays some summary calculations including how many jobs are currently pending, how many quotes are outstanding and how many invoices are currently unpaid
  • Jobs - access to job data including allowing you to see the current status of a job and download any copies of jobsheets relating to it. In addition you can also easily access any invoices or quotes that are linked back to any particular job.
  • Quotes – with the ability to download quotations and accept or decline quotes via the portal
  • Invoices – view any invoices and download copies, view current unpaid invoices.
  • Sites – see detail of any sites we have registered against your account, including contact information
  • Request job – request a job under any site
  • Assets – view your site asset data including when assets are next due. This can be looked at ‘parent level’ for items such as Fire alarm panels, to ‘child level’ such as the individual fire alarm devices
  • Documents – download PFS Group company documents such as our latest health & safety policy, organogram and insurance certificates at your leisure.

Who can use PFS Cloud?

PFS Cloud can be used by any of our customers, whether you have one property with us or hundreds. The system is completely scalable and remains user friendly regardless of how many sites you have in contract with us. We can set-up multiple user accounts with seperate log-ins or you can have general log-in you can share with your colleagues.

We can also set-up access rights that remove specific users abilities to access invoice and quotes data should you so wish.

How much does PFS Cloud cost?

PFS Cloud is completely free to all of our customers. The system has been designed to reduce administration time for our client and our own office team and therefore is provided as a mutually beneficial platform.

How can I gain access to PFS Cloud?

If you are an existing customer and would like access to the system please contact [email protected]. For all new customers access to PFS Cloud is provided during your on-boarding process with us.

What does PFS Cloud look like?

Please see below screenshots of the system in action;

Dashboard; the opening screen of the portal showing some quick summaries of various datasets. Each number is clickable to allow you to see the data behind it.
Jobs: view and filter all current jobs assigned to your account. Check what current work is outstanding, filter all jobs completed between a certain date range and much more.
Jobs in detail: view a host of job data including current job status, jobsheets from completed visit, copies of RAMS, appointment dates and much more!
Quotes: see a list of current quotes outstanding., download copies and even choose to accept or decline them via the portal! You can also see a list of current enquiries that are being worked on by our Estimation department.
Sites: view a list of sites we have logged against your account. Easily access a list of currently open jobs against any property.
Sites in detail: see some of the current data we hold on the property including existing contact information & access data. You can also request a call-out or a quote direct from the portal.
Invoices: easily see which invoices re currently outstanding payment, download any copies of invoices you need at your leisure.
Assets: view all of your asset data, see previous test history, accessing technical information held on that assets and find job information from most recent test very quickly.
Documents: All the latest copies of PFS Group policies and other documents will be uploaded here, allowing your procurement teams to keep our information up-to-date on you system without the need to request update documents from us.

Did You Know?

You can use PFS Cloud to download copies of jobsheets, quotes and invoices - so you never have to call up and request these, saving you time and making the data much quicker to access.

In addition you can also request call-outs and quotes via the portal!