Fire Detection & Alarm System

During your first annual service period we will take downloads of all the addressable panels, will keep a backup at our office. This will secure all the site information in the event of a panel failure.  Please be aware additional costs may occur for the downloads of ‘closed protocol’ addressable panels should a third-party company be required.  For conventional Fire Detection & Alarm systems, a manually produced asset list will be obtained by the engineer on their first visit.

A full-service schedule would be produced before commencing any works and the costs are based upon the service visits being carried out during the site-specific working hours in accordance with BS 5839-1:2017 requirements.


CIE &  Batteries         Functional tests of the Control Panel operations including load tests

of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

Manual Call Points      MCP’s would be examined and tested at each visit, all tests will be recorded and site advised of points tested.

Optical Detectors        Smoke detectors would be inspected where analogue addressable systems are installed this could be by the use of the Control Panel’s Maintenance Checking Facilities and any Smoke detector that required cleaning would be removed and cleaned.  Each Smoke detector will therefore be examined and tested annually

Heat Detectors            Heat detectors would be inspected where analogue addressable systems where analogue addressable systems are installed this could be by the use of the Control Panel’s Maintenance Checking Facilities and any heat detector that required cleaning would be removed and cleaned.  Each Heat detector will therefore be examined and tested annually.

Beam Detectors          The function and alignment of any Beam Detectors would be examined during the service visit, any defects found would be reported.

Audible & Visual         Audible and visual warning devices would be checked for correct operation.

1st Stage Warning       All 1st Stage Staff Warning Devices would be checked for correct operation.        

2nd Stage Warning      All 2nd Stage Staff Warning Devices would be checked for correct operation.

Communicators          At sites where communicators are installed our engineer will carry out all tests to BS 5839-1:2017 standards, confirmation the signal has been received at the Alarm Receiving Centre will be provided.

Demonstration            The CIE operation and controls can be demonstrated during our service visit(s) to any interested party if requested.


Fire Detection & Alarm System Weekly Testing


Manual Call Point        MCP’s would be examined and tested at each visit, all tests will be recorded and site advised of points tested.

Please note, our costs have been based on a fixed weekly attendance scheduled to suit the availability of PFS Group.  Should you require a specific time and date of attendance, additional charges may be applied.


Fire Damper Maintenance

Fire Dampers to be checked via a pre-installed access panel. Cleaning of existing fuse link. A local clean of the damper shutter, flat coil springs, and damper channels to be cleaned out. Inspection on & lubrication of the flat coil damper springs to be carried out. Fire damper released and correct seating within the damper bottom channel checked. Exposed surface of damper shutter cleaned. Damper shutter reset. All dampers tested will be referenced with an individual test label showing:

  • Damper Reference Number
  • Date of Testing
  • Name of Engineer

On completion of works a post-test report will be issued containing the following:

  • Pre & Post Photographs
  • Condition of damper and Fuse Link
  • Size of damper
  • Location of damper
  • Recommendations



Fire Doors

Minor door maintenance will consist of adjustments to door closing device, lubrication to moving components on the door i.e., hinges, locks and latches.  The door inspection will include a full inspection of Door leaf & frame, glazed apertures, intumescent fire & smoke seals, closing & opening devices, ironmongery & signage, all of which we will generate a report on their condition & any remedial action that is required.

A photo will be logged of each door and a label will be applied to each door with a unique reference number and date of inspection.

If up to date floor plans can be supplied, door reference numbers will be marked out and supplied along with the report.



Fire Evacuation Drill

We would attend site to carry out a Fire Evacuation drill for the building in accordance with BS 9999:2017. On completion of the drill, a service check list detailing all relevant information will be provided:

  • Date of Fire Drill
  • Approximate numbers of persons participating
  • Duration
  • Areas of improvement required
  • Name of persons controlling the drill
  • General observations regarding the Fire alarms and emergency exits
  • Recommended further improvements



Fire Risk Assessment

We would attend site to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment for the site and areas stated.  A fully trained operative will undertake the assessment in accordance with BS 9999:2017 Fire Safety in the design, management and use of buildings – code practice.   Following this, the operative will return to the office to build the subsequent report.


Gas Suppression System

To mechanically service the Electrical Suppression System in accordance with BS EN 15004-1:2019 (Fixed systems are required to be mechanically serviced twice per year.)

To mechanically service the Gas/Mechanical Suppression System in accordance with BS EN 15004-1:2019 (Fixed systems are required to be mechanically serviced twice per year.)

To carry out an Integrity Test on the area for Gas/Mechanical Suppression System in accordance with BS EN 15004-1:2019 once per year.

To test all fire alarm sensors, 1st and 2nd stage devices connected to the extinguishing panel in the floor, ceiling & room where required.



Induction Loop Hearing System

During the service of your system, all components are to be visually inspected, the correct transmission of sound is to be verified through listening to the loop system and reporting any issues problems discovered.



Intruder Alarm System

The servicing will be carried out on two visits per year for intruder alarms to BS4737. All detection circuits will be tested for continuity, check the charging rate to the rechargeable battery, record the battery capacity and charging rate in the alarm system documentation, for future reference. Carry out a full operational check of the complete system, including the normal setting and un-setting procedures and, where applicable, the isolation of circuits.

Auto dialing equipment and digital communicators shall be checked to ensure that they are sited within the protected area and firmly secured.



Leak Detection System

I have based our service plan on two visits per year to carry out the maintenance of the Leak Detection System BS EN 13160-7:2003. A full-service schedule would be produced before commencing any works and the costs are based upon the service visits being carried out during the site-specific working hours in accordance with site access.


Lighting Rig

Test the 1no. lighting rig to comply with all LOLER and PUWER regulations, the Lighting rig will be load tested to required weight which will be obtained on site.

All lights will need to be removed from the lighting rig prior to attendance and all potential obstructions cleared out of the way to ensure safe access is gained with a cordon in plane as area will need to be closed off while works are completed.


Lightning Protection Systems

To carry out periodic inspection and testing of the lightning protective system to BS EN 62305: 2011-3, E7 and as follows:

  • Full visual inspection of the Air Termination Network (where safe roof access is available), via a proprietary man safe system or adequate safety hand railing (We reserve the right to exclude our workforce from the roof if one of these systems are not in place), checking the mechanical condition of all conductors, joints, bonds, fixings etc. to ensure sound continuity. Check for evidence of corrosion or conditions likely to lead to corrosion. Check security of all conductor fixings.
  • Full visual inspection of external down conductors from roof to ground level via binoculars. Check security of all conductor fixings. Overall inspection to include checking for any building alterations, additional roof plant/services installed, or any other additions to the structure which may affect the lightning protection system.
  • Electrical testing of the Earth Termination Network, to ascertain the resistance to earth of individual electrodes and the overall resistance of the earth termination network.
  • Submission of either a Test Certificate detailing position of earth electrodes, test results, test date, testing engineer and test instrument used or a Report detailing defects within the system and required rectification.
  • All engineer’s reports are generated within our bespoke cloud testing application enabling us to deliver instant reporting to our clients, and we aim to issue all test certification/reports in under 24 hours. All defects are photographed and included within our test reports to ensure total transparency.

Additional conductors tested which did not form part of original enquiry may incur and additional cost.



Mains Operated Smoke Detector Inspection & Cleaning

I have based our service plan on four visits per year to carry out the checking and cleaning of the Mains Operated smoke detectors, due to a high volume of outside fumes and dust throughout the site, as so the system functions properly at all times and in case of the event of a fire all devices work to the highest of standards.



Panic Alarm System

The servicing will be carried out on two visits per year for panic alarms to BS4737. All detection circuits will be tested for continuity, check the charging rate to the rechargeable battery, record the battery capacity and charging rate in the alarm system documentation, for future reference. Carry out a full operational check of the complete system, including the normal setting and un-setting procedures and, where applicable, the isolation of circuits.

Auto dialing equipment and digital communicators shall be checked to ensure that they are sited within the protected area and firmly secured.



PAVA System

Main equipment visual checks for system main equipment, field wiring and loudspeaker fixings. Emergency messages, fire officer’s microphones and paging consoles will be checked for correct operation. Fire alarm interface connections will be tested for correct alert and evacuate procedures and fault monitoring to fire alarm systems. All battery backup supplies will be checked for physical condition and sufficient backup power capacity. Battery charging supplies are also checked.


CIE & Batteries           Functional tests of the Control Panel operations including load tests

of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

Speakers                    All Speakers would be checked for correct operation.

Demonstration The CIE operation and controls can be demonstrated to any interested party if requested.


Portable Appliance Testing

To carry out an inspection of all portable appliance devices throughout the premises and provide a full test report, including labelling all the individual devices. Any defects will be identified with the connection of the plug being removed to prevent further use.


Portable Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

We will carry out the annual inspection of the extinguishers to BS 5306 Part 3 2017 servicing standards, the extinguishers will be checked for correct operation and any damage, all pressures will be checked and on completion of the service the extinguishers will be returned to their original position.  Our cost includes the free replacement of parts, which includes seals, pins, O-rings, tags, swivel horns and discharge hoses.



Smoke Extraction System

We would carry out a full visual inspection of the system, including the control panels, smoke extraction fans, ductwork, electrical supplies, Diesel generator if appropriate, relief dampers etc. When this has been completed the systems can be tested and performance measurements taken. If possible, the testing needs to be carried out to include a planned activation of the building Fire Alarm. We will carry out a detailed visual inspection of the smoke control systems. We will also test the systems and take extraction rates, velocity and door force measurements. We will compare our measurements against the appropriate Standard and produce a System Condition Report, complete with recommendations, if any. If we identify problems, these will be shown in our report, complete with photographs. If everything is satisfactory, we will issue a Certificate of Conformity with the original design Standard.

Access Equipment      No allowance has been made to supply any specialist access equipment; we have allowed the supplying access equipment to a platform height of 1.5m FFL.

Demonstration            The CIE operation and controls can be demonstrated to any interested party if requested.

COLT Systems           A basic test & visual inspection will be undertaken for ‘closed-protocol’ systems, in particular Colt Smoke Control Systems.


Sprinkler System

The servicing will be carried out on a minimum of two site visits per year to carry out the maintenance of the sprinkler system to BS EN 12845 TB203:2018, a full-service schedule would be produced before commencing the works and the costs are based upon the services being carried out during site specific hours.

To comply with the recommendations of the British Standard (BS EN 12845 TB203:2018) any defects found with the existing installation will be recorded and issued to yourselves, this is to ensure you are aware of any deviations from BS EN 12845 TB203:2018, it is your choice whether you decide to rectify any defects.



Staircase Pressurization Systems

The “Fire Fighting” Staircase for use by the Fire Brigade and to provide a means of escape. We will carry out testing against the appropriate Standard, BS EN12101-6:2005. We would carry out a full visual inspection of the system first i.e. look at the building fabric, doors, control panels, pressurization fans, ductwork, electrical supplies, diesel generator if appropriate, pressure relief dampers. Once complete we will test all systems in order to record the relevant pressure velocity and door force measurements.  If possible, the testing needs to be carried out to include a planned activation of the building Fire Detection and Alarm System.


Uniforce Damper Control System (comprising of the following equipement)

  • Damper Main Control Panel
  • Smoke Extract Fan Starter Control Panel
  • ATS c/w Primary / Secondary Supply
  • HMI Control Panel c/w Status & Manual
  • Master HMI Control Panel c/w Status
  • MFSD Interface Control Panels
  • Fire Alarm Interface Control Panels

A 6 monthly full functional check and annual service visit will be completed by a competent person trained in smoke control systems include a complete operational sequence check to system components in accordance with BS 7346-8:2013-19, BS 9999:2017 Annex V and BS EN 12101.



Weekly Smoke Extraction/AOV Test

We will perform a Weekly Test on the Smoke Extraction System/AOV System.


Description                  Perform a Live Test of the Fire Detection & Alarm System activated via a Manual Call Point (MCP) or Detector to check the Smoke Extraction System/AOV System for correct operation. All Test’s will be recorded in the Site Log Book, along with the location of the Manual Call Point/Detector Tested.


Access Control System

The servicing will be carried out on two site visits per year to carry out the maintenance of the access control system to NCP 109 NSI – Code of Practice for Planning, Installation and Maintenance of Access Control Systems, NSI. Check the number and type of readers are in accordance with the specification and any amendment. Confirm that there remains adequate ventilation in the area of the CPU. Check warning labels are still in place. Check all cables and conduit are properly supported, undamaged and showing no signs of wear. Check for sound physical fixings of all equipment including loosening or corrosion of supports and fixings. Check all glands, seals and connections on all external equipment. Does the equipment remain free from environmental problems such as dust, vibration, electrical interference etc? Does the system remain protected against unauthorised interference, e.g. password level(s).  Are reader timings as specified? Check operation of all door fixings and furniture is satisfactory. Check function of all interfaces with alarms is satisfactory including correct triggering of alarms.  Specification / operational requirement according to the periodic test scheme agreed with the customer.



Ansul Systems

We have based our service plan on two visits per year to carry out the maintenance of the Ansul extinguishing systems.

A full-service schedule would be produced before commencing any works and the costs are based upon the service visits being carried out during the site-specific working hours in accordance with BS EN 15004-10:2019 requirements.

During the service, we will inspect to ensure:

  • The cartridge is in good condition, has the correct weight and appropriate seals.
  • The regulator(s) are in date.
  • Tank(s) in date, level(s) and Labels forward facing
  • Correct burst disk(s) including union where fitted
  • Correct condition of hoses
  • Remove all nozzles and cleaned
  • System layout checked/recorded
  • Plenum coverage correct
  • Manual activation tested at each point
  • Automatic detection line tested



AOV System


CIE &  Batteries          Functional tests of the Control Panel operations including load tests

of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

Manual Call Points     50% of the total number of Call Points would be examined and tested

at each visit, all tests will be recorded and site advised of points tested.

Audible & Visual         Audible and visual warning devices would be checked for correct operation.            

Doors & Vents            Doors and Vents would be checked for correct operation.       

Demonstration            The CIE operation and controls can be demonstrated to any interested

party if requested.

COLT Systems           A basic test & visual inspection will be undertaken for ‘closed-protocol’ systems, in particular Colt Smoke Control Systems.


Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) System – Cause & Effects Testing

Within the areas of the system we have been asked to test and providing full access is granted by the site operatives, we would attend site to determine whether setting off the ASD systems has the desired effects on any linked systems. A sample test, based on 1no testing point per ASD system, would be completed with the use of the Cause & Effects matrix produced as part of the ASD installation. Our costs are based upon two PFS Group engineers to attend site to carry out these works.

  • Engineer 1 Test the device
  • Engineer 2 Check the signal is received correctly at the panel

Our price has been based on the presence of an existing Cause & Effects matrix, most likely produced by the company who installed the ASD system originally.  If the original Cause & Effects matrix is not available there are 2 options available:

Basic/Generic Test Report

Through the use of a basic/generic template we would carry out simplified testing regimes focusing on the minimum expected of the system, I.E, effect on the ASD System, site plant and other systems interfaced to the ASD system.  Cost for the production of a Basic/Generic test report will be included as part of the service cost shown in the cost schedule below.

Detailed Test Report

This includes and requires a site attendance prior to the start of the testing to be completed to allow us to understand any affected elements in more detail, I.E, a more extensive list of plant, other interfaced systems that are located on site, as well as taking into account the site layout and other factors which can only be understood once a site visit has taken place.  Upon completion of the site visit, a more detailed and site specific Cause & Effects test report will be produced allowing for our engineers to then record more detailed results once the Cause & Effect testing visit has been completed.  Please note, this will incur an additional cost which is available upon request.

Production of a test report by PFS Group via either option listed above will only be based on information that can be gathered whilst on site. Should the original Cause & Effects matrix not be available, the options provided present a way of completing a Cause & Effects test and recording the results, however, PFS Group cannot provide a guarantee that all Cause & Effects can be tested and/or investigated regardless of the option chosen when the original matrix is not available.


Aspirating Smoke Detection (ASD) System


CIE & Batteries           Batteries Functional tests of the Control Panel operations including loads of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

ASD Detectors           50% of the total number of ASD detectors would be inspected

Pipe work will be cleaned of any debris

Audible & Visual         Audible and visual warning devices would be checked for correct operation.


CCTV System

The servicing will be carried out on two site visits per year to carry out the maintenance of the closed-circuit television system to BS IEC 62676-4 (and currently BS EN 50132-7). Check the number and type of cameras, including lenses, are in accordance with the specification and any amendment. Check visual / audible indications are functioning correctly. Check all cables and fixings remain properly supported, undamaged and showing no undue signs of wear. Check for sound physical fixings of all equipment including loosening or corrosion of supports and fixings including towers and brackets. Check all glands and seals on external equipment to ensure no ingress of water into the equipment.
Check the picture quality of each camera and correct monitor selection. Cameras, lens, covers and housings have been cleaned where necessary to ensure nothing obscures the field of view. Check that the performance of the system(s) continues to meet the agreed specification / operational requirement according to the periodic test scheme agreed with the customer.



Disabled Refuge System

Each outstation will be operated and checked – ensuring that speech is clear and intelligible. A visual inspection will be made to check that all outstations remain unobstructed and conspicuous. Batteries and their connections are examined and load tested, to ensure that they are in good serviceable condition and not likely to fail before the next service visit. All controls and visual indicators at the master station will be checked for correct operation.

Where provided, all optional functions of the control and indicating equipment will be tested. All fault indicators will be checked, where practicable by simulation of fault conditions. On completion of the work, any outstanding defects will be reported to the person responsible and a certificate of servicing will be issued.  Please note: This is based on a (company) engineer or receptionist attending on the main panel at the time of service.


CIE & Batteries           Batteries Functional tests to the Control Panel operations including loads of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

Audible & Visual         Audible and visual warning devices would be checked for correct operation.


Disabled WC Alarm System

The servicing will be carried out on one site visit per year to carry out the maintenance of the disabled toilet alarm system to BS5839.9:2017. Batteries and their connections are examined and load tested, to ensure that they are in good serviceable condition and not likely to fail before the next service visit. All controls and visual indicators at the master station will be checked for correct operation. Where provided, all optional functions of the control and indicating equipment will be tested. All fault indicators will be checked, where practicable by simulation of fault conditions. On completion of the work, any outstanding defects will be reported to the person responsible and a certificate of servicing will be issued.


CIE & Batteries           Batteries Functional tests to the Control Panel operations including loads of the system to ensure that batteries have not deteriorated.

Audible & Visual         Audible and visual warning devices would be checked for correct operation.


Dry Riser Maintenance

To comply with the testing requirements detailed in British Standard 9990:2006.



Emergency Lighting Monthly Flick Test

We will carry out the emergency light flick test every month for 12 months. To comply with the recommendations of the British Standard (BS5266-1:2016) any defects found with the existing installation will be recorded and issued to yourselves, this is to ensure you are aware of any deviations from BS5266-1:2016, it is your choice whether you decide to rectify any defects.


Emergency Lighting

To comply with the recommendations of the British Standard (BS 5266-1:2016), a minimum of one 3-hour drain down to the Emergency Lights System will be carried out.  Any defects found with the existing installation will be recorded and issued to yourselves, this is to ensure you are aware of any deviations from BS 5266-1:2016, it is your choice whether you decide to rectify any defects.


Duration                      A full rated duration drain of 3 hours must be carried out at least once per annum.


Fire Alarm – Cause & Effects Testing

Within the areas of the system we have been asked to test and providing full access is granted by the site operatives, we would test to see whether setting off the Fire Alarm system has the desired effect on linked systems.  This would be completed with the use of the Cause & Effects matrix produced as part of the Fire Alarm installation.  Our costs are based upon two PFS Group engineers to attend site to carry out these works.

  • Engineer 1 Test the device
  • Engineer 2 Check the signal is received correctly at the panel

Our price has been based on the presence of an existing Cause & Effects matrix, most likely produced by the company who installed the alarm system originally.  If the original Cause & Effects matrix is not available there are 2 options available:

Basic/Generic Test Report

Through the use of a basic/generic template we would carry out simplified testing regimes focusing on the minimum expected of the system, I.E, effect on the Fire Alarm System, site plant and other systems interfaced to the Fire Alarm system.  Cost for the production of a Basic/Generic test report will be included as part of the service cost shown in the cost schedule below.

Detailed Test Report

This includes and requires a site attendance prior to the start of the testing to be completed to allow us to understand any affected elements in more detail, I.E, a more extensive list of plant, other interfaced systems that are located on site, as well as taking into account the site layout and other factors which can only be understood once a site visit has taken place.  Upon completion of the site visit, a more detailed and site specific Cause & Effects test report will be produced allowing for our engineers to then record more detailed results once the Cause & Effect testing visit has been completed.  Please note, this will incur an additional cost which is available upon request.

Production of a test report by PFS Group via either option listed above will only be based on information that can be gathered whilst on site. Should the original Cause & Effects matrix not be available, the options provided present a way of completing a Cause & Effects test and recording the results, however, PFS Group cannot provide a guarantee that all Cause & Effects can be tested and/or investigated regardless of the option chosen when the original matrix is not available.


Fire Curtain/Roller Shutter Maintenance


Equipment                   The following Equipment checks will be carried out:

  • Operation of the Roller Shutters/Door Curtains within the ceiling voids and the control panel located within the building.
  • Check roller head boxing and fixings: ensure roller is in secure position, operation of curtains under back up power and gravity fail safe modes, correct setting of top and bottom limits positions and adjust if required, additional controls operation, adjust ascent and decent speeds.
  • On activation of the fire alarm, cause and effects for fire curtains to be confirmed.

Access Equipment      No allowance has been made to supply any specialist access equipment; we have allowed the supplying access equipment to a platform height of 1.5m FFL.

Demonstration            The CIE operation and controls can be demonstrated to any interested party if requested.

Closed Protocol          A basic test & visual inspection will be undertaken for ‘closed-protocol’ systems, in particular Coopers Systems.



For any details not listed here, please contact [email protected].