Team PFS raise a record amount for the EIC!

For several years now we’ve entered a team into the Royal Parks half-marathon and 2024 was no different with our team taking part in the race on 13th October.

Running in order to raise money to support the work of the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC), we were very pleased to reach our target of £2,250 – raising £2265 overall! A new record!

The EIC have been an incredible help to several of our staff members, providing support in many forms and helping individuals both inside and outside of PFS to get back on their feet.

This year our team consisted of Alfie Painter, Alfie Hill, David Norton, Harry Ebdon, Joshua O’Hagan, Owen Hodgson, Steven Clark, Lee Ellis, Drew Braunton, Dan Frost and Richard Miller.

If you’d like to read more about the EIC please check out their website;

Well done to our PFS runners!

We install self-testing fire alarm detectors at our offices!

Today we successfully completed the transition to self-testing fire devices in our offices. A big thank you to Lee Ellis who completed this work for us.

As you may know already, GENT have been rolling out their new self-testing devices in recent months and both they and us expect this technology will really come to the fore in the coming years. Essentially, the detectors in our office now test themselves under instruction, no longer requiring smoke poles & heat testers to test them – this all runs via GENT’s CLSS online platform.

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Our 25th Birthday Party Is A Hit!

As per our post earlier this year, we reached our 25th anniversary on February 16th! We have been planning a larger summer event for all of our staff for some time and on Friday it was time to celebrate such a momentous occasion.

With a BBQ in the grounds of the amazing Heron Golf Club in Brentwood, we were treated to some a lovely evening of food, drinks and great company.

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PFS Group Join the IFSM

We are pleased to have become affiliate members of the IFSM (Institute of Fire Safety Managers).

The purpose of the IFSM is to raise awareness of fire safety at a local, national and international level, promoting fire prevention, fire protection and reducing the risk from fire as far as reasonably practicable.

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We Celebrate Our 25th Anniversary

Today we reached 25 years in business! Founded on 16th February 1998, it’s been an incredible journey watching our business grow and team go from strength to strength.

Celebrating with our office team ahead of an official event we have scheduled for the Summer, there were pizzas arranged for our office team and a lunch allowance provided to our engineers.

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We Join The FPA

We are members of a number of leading Fire & Security organisations and related bodies – including the NSI, FIA, BAFE, ECA, FSA & JIB. We also have strong relationships with manufacturers and institutions but we always consider the merits of joining additional organisations from time to time. That is why we are proud to now join The Fire Protection Association.

Becoming members of the FPA provides with access to additional training and resources amongst other things, which will further strengthen our teams knowledge.

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We attend FIREX

What a great opportunity FIREX International has been to catch-up with a number of familiar faces and also see the latest technologies available in our industry.

We deployed different teams of PFS staff each day with 12 staff going in total across the three day. It was great to be back at the EXCEL for the first time since before the pandemic and it was the first FIREX for several new members of staff to the business who have joined in the past few years.

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We Hold An Office Sports Day

Earlier this month we held our inaugural Office Sports Day with our Southend Office Team. The idea behind this was to promote healthy activity but also get a nice team bonding exercise going.

First of all it was fantastic to get everyone out of the office for a couple of hours of fun in our local park, I think everyone was pretty tired afterwards!

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We Celebrate our 24th Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated our 24th Birthday!

To make the day even sweeter Aimee Lovejoy & Amie Randall from our Operations & Service teams respectively, baked a batch of PFS themed cupcakes! Let’s be honest, you think they look am amazing just like we did!

Strangely there wasn’t time to get a photo of all the pizza’s as they all disappeared fairly quickly! We didn’t want our engineering teams to miss out either so they were all offered a free lunch too!

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