Today we successfully completed the transition to self-testing fire devices in our offices. A big thank you to Lee Ellis who completed this work for us.
As you may know already, GENT have been rolling out their new self-testing devices in recent months and both they and us expect this technology will really come to the fore in the coming years. Essentially, the detectors in our office now test themselves under instruction, no longer requiring smoke poles & heat testers to test them – this all runs via GENT’s CLSS online platform.
The applications for this technology are quite impressive; in buildings where access or access equipment is needed, this could potentially now no longer be required. The time it takes to service & commission these devices is also much quicker and could really change how we operate in the years to come.
If you want to find out more about how this technology could save you money and reduce disruption at your building(s) please get in touch – [email protected]