PFS Celebrates Staff Anniversaries

On the 28th June PFS Group held an event to celebrate the work anniversaries of several of our staff members who have reached landmark years of service.

Contractors Manager Simon Ford and service engineer Simon Ranson both received awards to commend them on 10 years of service to the company. Service Coordinator Zoe Bailey recieved her award to commend her on 5 years service.

The staff members were presented with their awards at the office, before making their way to a celebratory event held at the Park Inn Hotel in Southend. Many members of the PFS team were present as the staff members were thanked by the company directors for their contribution to the business.

Everyone at PFS thanks Simon, Zoe and Simon for their many years of service and hope to see them continue to be involved in the company for many years to come.

Simon Ford receives his 10 year service award
Simon Ford receives his 10 year service award
Zoe Bailey receives her 5 year service award
Zoe Bailey receives her 5 year service award